November Goals

  1. Find a job. I'm starting to sound like a broken record with this one. :P
  2. Exercise daily. I go to the gym at least 4 times/week, but I need to start doing yoga again.
  3. Write. NaNoWriMo is this month. Hopefully I can still get involved!
  4. Read. I finished The Unbearable Lightness of Being last month. I haven't decided what to move on to this month. Any suggestions?
  5. Continue keeping apartment clean & cooking at least 4x/week. Includes monthly washing of sheets, monthly scrub down of entire house, weekly vacuuming, and bi-weekly dish cleaning.
  6. Go to ENT. Ear, nose & throat dr - just for my annual ear cleaning.
  7. Do blood test and visit endocrinologist for follow-up. I'm hoping that my TSH level is finally normal, and that we can get my Synthroid dosage stabilized.
  8. Sell on eBay and Craig's List. I still have a pile of stuff sitting next to me that I haven't sold.
  9. Promote my business website. I mentioned on twitter that I started up an online proofreading/editing biz with my friend. I'd like to have it actually go somewhere, so I need to figure out my promotion strategy.
  10. Start thinking about Christmas gifts. M and I have a list started in google docs. His entire family has bdays in December, so that's something we need to think about as well.


Sallie's Niece said...

I just started my first NaNoWriMo! Come and join. I'm having fun.

Sunflowers said...

I finally was able to log on to their site! And I added a word count widget to the blog, but it keeps disappearing. (not that it matters at this point, since I'm at 0 words :p)

Anyway, good luck!!! :) I can't wait to start writing!

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