April Budget

Rent: $1050 / 1050
Cells: $0 / 120
Food: $198 / 200 (as of 4/10)
Drugstore: $20 / 20
Debt: $1139 / 1139
Gas: $30 / 40
Total = $2384 / 2569

Currently in Checking: $389 (already put May's rent in joint checking & gave bf May payment --$1750)

I have $132 left in expenses this month, and $1750 in expenses next month before I get my summer financial aid. That means I'll need $1882. So I'll have a buffer of $257.

I'm also going to put some stuff up for sale on ebay next week, so I should have some extra money from that as well. :)
Outside Budget Purchase Tracking:
Week 1 Total (ending 4/9) = $211 (already subtracted from checking total)
Week 2 Total (ending 4/14) = $250 (already subtracted from checking total)
I can spend no more than $250 from 4/15-5/29.
$25 MPRE Book -- returning, they sent me wrong edition
$60 Credit card payment (I put my MPRE registration on there)
$40 Toaster oven baking set + toaster oven mat
$8 Manga
$50 MPRE book


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