Extended Meal Plan

The stress of finals has really throw my schedule out of wack... despite all my goals, I have NOT been working out, and I've been eating terribly (baking chocolate chip cookies for myself daily?!). My next final isn't until later next week, so I have some time right now to get my ducks in a row. We went shopping last weekend and have a lot of food set to expire, so hopefully this plan will ensure nothing goes to waste!

(side note: I have a lot of delivery on here because M has been coming home between 11-12 and is too tired to cook, and when I'm studying, I hate being distracted by cooking... but we're going to try to go for healthy! no picking up McDonald's or ordering pizza)

Breakfast - cereal
Lunch - sandwich
Dinner -
2 baked potatoes

Breakfast - cereal
Lunch - sandwich
Dinner - delivery?

Wednesday (day of final):
Breakfast - cereal
Lunch - sandwich
Dinner - delivery

Thursday ( 5/6 - last day of finals):
Breakfast - cereal
Lunch - sandwich
Dinner -
delivery to celebrate end of finals; bottle of champagne! :)


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