And another month goes by...

I finally have my computer set up in the bedroom; maybe that'll motivate me to start blogging regularly again.

H and I have been together 5 months now, and talk of moving up north has ceased. He had (almost) secured a job down here, and he was talking about buying a house and renting it out 'til our lease expired. But then that job fell through... although they said they'd want to hire him in two months. So I'm not sure what's going to happen.

I've been looking for a housemate the past couple weeks. I've had hardly any bites. Any suggestions on where to post ads (other than Craigslist)?

I've also been looking for a new job. I'll be content if I can find something that pays $20k more. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I'm also trying to decide if saving ~$30/mo is worth giving up my area code and phone number. That's what I'd have to do if I wanted to bring H onto my cellphone plan (he's in a different market, or so AT&T tells me). Would you do it?

I've been spending way too much money on food lately. I need to get a grasp on that. Maybe I can finally get a budget written this weekend...


The Lost Goat said...

Depends on how permanent H is looking. It will be a real PITA to change it all up and then break up in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

hey it's good to see you back blogging :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog. I don't think the cell phone thing is a good idea - I'm with The Lost Goat!

Anonymous said...

I changed my phone number to save money about 4 months ago. It was surprisingly not a big deal. It depends on how attached you are to your number, I suppose.

Good to see you blogging again!

S.H said...

Looks like things are going well with H. Congrats on that. I'd keep my number.

Chocolate & Chants said...

I prefer keeping numbers (i'm still kicking myself for giving up my awesome first US #). I can still remember it, while I don't remember my most recent one. Granted, i've suspended my AT&T account since i'm abroad now and have been for the past 3 months.

Unknown said...
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Paula @ Afford Anything said...

You have to value your time ... and changing phone numbers can REALLY put a damper on your time and you peace of mind.

Rachel said...

Just wanted to say I miss reading your blog, hope you're doing well.

Unknown said...

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