I've been neglecting the blog this past week, and I know why... I don't want to hold myself accountable for my recent spending. :p That and I've been writing a 25 page paper. Very, very slowly writing it. It's due Thursday afternoon, and then I'll have a real summer vacation for a couple weeks, so that's when I'll be updating my side bars and writing a post detailing exactly how much spending I've been doing.
Tonight I'm going to take a break from reality and go see Harry Potter with M. I actually get to see him before 8pm today!! The final project deadline was yesterday, and for the next month he'll just have some minor things to take care of (and then he gets a paid, full month off). The days of daily midnight working have passed! YAY. :) I anticipate lots of tennis, swimming, basketball, snuggling and video games (ok, mostly those last two ;))!
3 days ago
mmm... snuggling. best of all it's free!
Hope the paper writing is going well!
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