Inspired by No More Spending's Grand Plan, here's my 5 year plan!
- Lose 20 lbs
Lose the braces!Accomplished 5.09Move into a cheaper apartmentAccomplished 7.09- Get a full-time job that pays at least 60k
- Visit France/Germany
- Possibly apply for a LLM program? (maybe retake LSAT?)
- Go to NY for V-day
- Graduate from law school (unsure whether May or December)
- Take the bar (either July '10 or Feb '11)
- Begin LLM program? (either Fall '10 or 11; and that's only if I get in!)
- Go to D.C. for V-day
- Pay off my car
- Be debt free! (not counting the student loans/mortgage - if I have one)
- Complete LLM program?
- Buy a condo w/M?
- Go to Portland for V-day
- Go to Chicago for V-day
- Pay off student loans??
- Turn 30! Have a b-day bash :)
Anyway... it was fun to put together. :) Strange that 30 is so close... and the year 2013! Still seems a little science-fiction-y! Even 2010 feels that way! haha.
Excellent plan! It may be possible to pay off your SLs within 3 years of graduating, depending upon your debt level. But whatever you do, don't do what I did - - stopped living like a student when I got my job. If you continue to live like a (starving) student after you graduate, you'll be motivated to pay off your debt sooner.
I'm curious about the LLM. Unless you plan to teach law or become a tax attorney, what's the big advantage? Wouldn't it make more sense to work as a lawyer for a few years and take a bite out of all that student loan debt, then get the LLM if you still want it? But having a five year plan, whether or not you ultimately live up to it, is always a good idea.
@Shtinkykat: I'll be at 200k-ish when I graduate... it'll really depend on how good of a job I can get. :\
@Grace: I think I'll write a post about this! There are a couple reasons for why I might want to do it...
I like this plan! Its making me want to type up one as well! I especially like going to different cities for Valentines Day every year. :)
Hi and thank you for the link.
Good luck with your plan
Laura :)
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